Tuesday 29 October 2013

Tale Of The Brave - Culdee

So, "Tale of the brave". Sloped boilered engine. Culdee, anyone? It doesn't seem like coincidence that Andrew Brenner is now head-writer, the CFR was mentioned in BMM and that the engine mentioned has a "sloped boiler". It seems likely that the Culdee Fell Railway will now be introduced into the TVS! I couldn't find any standard-gauge sloped boilered engines and I can't really think of any other explanation as to why a sloped-boilered engine would come to Sodor. What would happen if it was introduced, though?

I think that if it was introduced that Culdee's smokebox would be coloured black. Just something I thought seemed likely. Also, I think that the other engines (e.g. Eric, Patrick etc.) would be painted different colours. Why? Just think about the Skarloey Railway. When they were introduced in season 4 the engines had different colours to differentiate eachother, as some of them would look similar to kids watching (e.g. Sir Handel/Skarloey/Peter Sam, Rheneas/Duncan). The Culdee Fell would be even harder to differentiate as their designs are only of 2 types, shared between 8 engines.

That said, however, although Culdee and Lord Harry would be most likely to be introduced, some of the others may not as they were only very minor characters, the only engines having stories centering around themselves being Godred, Lord Harry and Culdee. That said, however, some dialogue would need the other engines to work and the engines also have had personalities given to them via magazine stories and annuals/other books. I have also compiled a list of what colours I think they would be in below:

1. Godred - Red
2. Ernest   - Light Blue
3. Wilfred - Yellow
4. Culdee  - Purple
5. Shane   - Green
6. Patrick - Purple
7. Alaric - Dark Blue
8. Eric    - Orange

In conclusion, as stated above, I think that the Culdee Fell is likely to appear in "Tale of the brave". The Culdee Fell engines seem likely to appear in the above colours and I hope to see them soon.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Season 17 - Bill Or Ben?

-Bill & Ben's new liveries
-Bill & Ben's tricks
-Characters being in personality
-Shoehorning Thomas in
-Characters in the incorrect places 

Final episode of season 17 part 2 week 1! This episode was quite good, but had a few glaring flaws in it. Here is the review:

Firstly, Bill & Ben's new liveries, although (probably) not permanent, looked smart on them. The shade of blue suits them well, as does the yellow lining! I had expected it to be green as a reference to their real-life counterparts (Alfred & Judy) but the blue looks good on them too. Even if this shade was just a marketing scheme, I would honestly get models of the twins in this shade!

Secondly, Bill & Ben's tricks were quite nice too. They seemed like their earlier ones from season 2, I even expected a remastered version of 'the diseasel' (the music, not the episode) to appear when Bill & Ben tricked Connor. Their trick on Kevin at the end was quite funny too!

Final positive, the characters were all in personality. Sir Topham Hatt scolding the twins and being concerned about safety, Connor being concerned about a race with Bill being unfair due to his speed, Kevin being gullible to Ben's trick and Bill & Ben playing tricks on the other engines.

Now onto the cons. Firstly, the scene with Thomas felt shoehorned in. It could've been another engine, Edward particularly as I feel that the scene would fit him quite well.

Last point, the incorrect placing of characters. It seems as though Connor was either on the branchline (which he would've been too heavy for even if he was British. Yes I am suggesting he is already too heavy for Sodor anyway. I don't care if the animators shrunk him, big American engines don't go on British railways, it's common sense) or Bill and Ben being on the mainline, when they belong on Edward's branchline.

Overall, this episode wasn't perfect, but it was still better than what we've endured for the past 8 seasons.

Rating: 3.5/5

Thursday 3 October 2013

Season 17 - Percy's Lucky Day

-Bill & Ben's in-persona return
-Opening sequence
-'Wrong road' reference at the start

So, now onto episode 14 of series 17! Now featuring Bill & Ben! How was it?

Firstly, Bill & Ben's return. When I first heard of the episode, I thought that Bill & Ben would only appear briefly at the end (at that accident-prone place called 'Bluff's Cove junction'). However, they appeared earlier, and in fact were given a secondary plot! Bill and Ben's personalities remain quite the same, arguing with each other in a comical way (unlike a certain two other 0-4-0 twins). Their wheels becoming red isn't such a problem, a reasonable explanation being that they went for an overhaul and the workmen had run out of black paint, so had to paint their wheels red.

The second great thing about the episode was the opening sequence. The addition of the 4-leaved clover was very significant to the episode, giving an idea of the theme.

My third and final point on this episode is the 'wrong road' reference at the start. Percy being confused about the man waving the green handkerchief is not too dissimilar to the Gordon and the lady in the floppy green hat in that episode. One improvement would be some interaction from the driver/fireman, similarly to how 'wrong road' was handled.

Overall this was another season 17 success and quite a good episode overall, also featuring the new Bill & Ben, who seem to have caught a case of mad red-wheel disease.

Rating: 5/5

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Porter The Saddle-Tank Engine: First Impressions

Here is Porter, the new saddle-tank engine at Brendam docks. Bit early for this, don't you think? Anyways, Porter: what do I think of him? Quite good, actually.

Although his basis looks like it may be American it could easily be British. It kinda looks like an industrialized J52, although I do also think it looks a bit like the Foxfield railway's 'Florence No.2'. Thing is though, his cab looks like it could be made of wood, a bit like the saddle-tank engine from 'Rails of War'.

The livery is suiting. The dark green fits well, and the sides look as though they have nameplates, and maybe even 'NWR' lettering (although these could just be pipes).

Some say he is the dark green engine from the 'Troublesome trucks' pop-up book, some say he has a giesel funnel. All we know is he is called 'Porter'! (And that he is a saddle-tank engine with outside cylinders and he is an upcoming character)

Season 17 - The Phantom Express

-Mention of driver/fireman
-James tricking Percy
-Stephen's quotes
-James' punishment
-Incorrect terminology

So, 13th episode in, first CGI series ghost episode and 3rd episode in a row of which's title begins with 'the'. This one was quite a good episode, couldn't think of much to say earlier but now I have watched it again, so have more of an idea of what to put! So, let's begin!

First point is the mention of Stephen's 'driver and fireman', characters who have been neglected for so long, acting only as the engine's hands. Yayz for the return of the driver/fireman!

Second up is James' tricking Percy. This reminds me of season 6, specifically the episode 'Jack frost'.

Third is Stephen's quotes once he and Percy fall into the moat. They are quite funny. Stephen's quotes are usually the best.

I also liked the ending. This also reminded me of season 6, especially 'Jack frost' and 'James & the queen of Sodor'.

One con is James' punishment. Surely making him take Percy's mail train would hurt Percy more than James. They should've had him do something different, like being relegated to goods trains for the rest of the month.

Another con would be the title. It is incorrect as for what James is talking about, which is an engine. Maybe if he talked about a passenger train which derailed or the title was 'the phantom engine' this would be correct. Maybe have the 'phantom engine' as an explanation as to why the red engine is absent from the series?

Overall, this is a good, season 6-esque episode and I like it quite a lot.

Rating: 4/5

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Season 17 - The Thomas Way

-Duck's backstory
-Duck acting in personality
-Thomas' trick
-Point switching errors
-Loading gauge errors 

Now, here is Duck's first proper CGI episode, and it was a great (western) one (It's ironic that I heard the radio talking about First Great Western trains being late)! But this episode didn't come without it's flaws. Here's what I like/dislike about this episode.

First positive, Duck's backstory. This was unexpected! Duck's backstory was great! This was the first time since season 2! And the image and mention of Duck working at Paddington was awesome! It even had his season 6 model in it!

Second point is that Duck was acting in-personality, talking about doing things "the great-western way, or the wrong way". This worked very well in my opinion. One thing that could've been added would be Thomas mentioning that Duck wanted to see things from the water, similarly to how Harold wants to see things from the tracks.

The third pro is Thomas' trick. It seems very Thomas-like and similar to something that could've happened in the earlier seasons.

Now on to the negatives. The first one was the point-switching. When Thomas goes to Knapford no signalman is seen to switch the points. A bit of interaction with the signalman would've been nice. I also noticed some 'wrong-roading' at the end with Duck & Thomas.

The second is the loading gauge errors. Although it is mentioned and this is the reason why Thomas is needed, Harold being transported via rail like this is heavy on the unrealism. There could've been 2 alternative solutions to this:
a. Harold has his blades and floaters dismantled to make travel safer or
b. Thomas & Duck need to double head a long goods train.

Overall, the episode had it's strong points and it's weak points, some of it good, some of it bad. Also notice that the Misty Island tunnel is boarded up, a sign of the end for Misty Island?

Rating: 4/5

Monday 30 September 2013

Season 17 - The Lost Puff

-Characters in personality
-Stafford at the shunting yard
-Stephen's face & the duck
-Mention of 'Knapford bend'

So, back for more, are we? After a few months 'on hiatus', season 17 has returned! This is the 1st episode back, and yes, it was a good one! Where shall we start?

My first point is that the characters were all in the correct personality. One such example was TFC giving out a proper warning. I liked how Paxton's personality was built upon, giving him the addition of being easily distracted (e.g. the duck and the bumpy track), but realizing his mistakes when he makes them.

The second would be Stafford working at the shunting yards, which I may as well point out I see as the newer version of 'Knapford yards'. The NSR battery-electric engine was originally used for shunting, so it is nice to see Stafford doing a job suited to his type.

Third point is the use of terminology. Words such as 'cooling fans', 'buckled track' and Gordon 'building up a good head of steam' are all good use of railway terminology, and with Thomas & Friends being a railway-orientated show, these words are very well suited to the situation.

 My fourth point is that there were some quite humorous moments within the episode, two of the main ones being Stephen's face when Paxton tries to explain about Thomas 'losing his puff' and the duck at the start and end of the episode (not the engine, that comes tomorrow).

My final point is the mention of 'Knapford bend'. I like this because it gives more structure to the railway, with the bend being 'just beyond the water tower', which is (assumingly) near Knapford station itself.

In conclusion, this is a good epiosde, with little of note to complain about (besides of some animation errors).

Rating: 5/5

Sunday 11 August 2013

Season 17 Part 2/2 - First Impressions

So now that the second half of season 17 has been announced, I had to post my opinions, and what better place than here? So, let's get started!

1. 'The Lost Puff'
The plotline of this sounds good and bad in different areas. When I first started reading the plot, I thought "Oh no, Paxton is now essentially the new season 13-16 Thomas". While this may sound to be true, we have to remember this is written by Andrew Brenner. The same one who is introducing Bill and Ben later this season. The same one who wrote some of the 'adapted' season 3 stories. The one who is currently pleasing the fans to no end. Although in general the plotline sounds good, and Thomas' fire gets put out when he bumps into Toby, in comparison to season 15's his firebox was on fire. But anyway, yes, sounds to be a good episode.

2.'Too Many Fire Engines'
This is likely to be my least favorite episode this season. Sure, the railway board (see 'Harvey To The Rescue') are likely to return. But honestly, I've never taken to Flynn or Belle. I had thoughts that Charlie could turn into a good story involving him being an extremely cheeky engine, Sir Topham Hatt then shutting him up in the sheds to think about how he could be a really useful engine, which he eventually turns in to, albeit still quite a cheeky engine, but not to the extent he was before. But Belle & Flynn I've never seen as having much chance. But hopefully this episode will have some credibility.

3.'The Thomas Way'
This episode sounds quite good in Duck's portrayal, but Thomas' sounds unpromising. Duck is being quite 'in persona' by quoting his 'great western way or wrong way' line. That and this is also his first major role, after his anti-climactic 12 second appearance in 'Henry's Hero'. Thomas, however, seems to be reverted back to his stubborn Season 13 persona of 'I know everything', which is bad. However, bear in mind yet again this is written by Andrew Brenner, so, hopefully, it should be good. Also judging by the title, Thomas should be right this time.

4.'The Phantom Express'
Now this sounds like a good episode! It sounds like something right out of Season 6 with the whole 'James & Percy' thing, with James trying to trick Percy but then being scared by his own story. I would think of this episode like 'Jack Frost' from Season 6. I also like the general plotline and I'm looking forward to seeing the animation for Stephen and Percy falling into the moat. Overall, I think this should be a stunner.

5.'Percy's Lucky Day'
I haven't got much to say about this one. It seems like a classic episode, without too much action. I also like how Stephen and Percy are portrayed as being quite close friends in this season, with Stephen always being there when Percy needs advice or help. Also, Bill & Ben officially return!

6.'Bill or Ben'
Yay! An episode after their CGI introduction they now have an episode to themselves! Not surprising, them being Andrew Brenner's favorite characters. Anyway, Bill & Ben's trick sounds very like one from the earlier series, meaning Season 2, judged by fans as being the best season of Thomas so far. I also like the idea of Bill being repainted. Hopefully, he will be in green, as I would quite like to see him in this colour and at the same time it would be similar to their real-life counterparts, Alfred & Judy.

7.'No Snow For Thomas'
So, first episode centrally focusing on Thomas this season ('The Thomas Way' does not count as this revolves around both him and Duck). This sounds like a quite decent episode. One thing I noticed was that Thomas is now working on the mainline, his branchline assumingly having fallen to the 'Beeching axe', so now Thomas, Percy, Toby Daisy and Mavis now all work around the mainline. Anyway, I like how the episode harks back to 'Thomas & Terence' and 'Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough' with Thomas & Emily being together again in another snow episode, and Thomas not liking his snowplough, so hiding it.

8.'Frozen Turntable'
I like this episode's description, as Gordon is shown to be being pompous again by taking Percy's berth, but getting his comeuppance by being stuck there the next day and James taking the express instead of him.The engines going to different places also harks back to 'Calling All Engines', when Tidmouth Sheds was being rebuilt, so the engines had to go and sleep somewhere else.

9.'The Missing Christmas Decorations'
Diesel 10's first TVS episode and Sidney's first (hopefully) speaking role. I like the idea of Diesel 10 stealing the Christmas decorations, and Percy finding out. Makes me think of the TUGS episode 'Pirate', where the tugs go on watch to see who is stealing their barges. I also like the idea of Sidney receiving a present from an empathetical Percy, a deleted plot from 'Day of the Diesels'. Percy's persona also seems quite 'Percy-like'.

10.'Santa's Little Engine'
Not sounding like one of Season 17's best episodes, with a cheesy title and a quite cheesy plotline to go with. This is probably not likely to be one of the best episodes, with most episodes sounding better. However, this could be a good episode and probably will being written by Andrew Brenner.

Overall, the second half of Season 17 sounds quite promising, and I look forward to viewing and reviewing these episodes.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Thomas The Tank Engine : The WWII Movie

So, the WWII movie. With release dates continually shifting (ranging from late 2010 to October 2015) and the unsteady status of the movie, what will it be like? 

Well for starters, although only one poster has been released, we can already see that Thomas looks like a proper E2. That said, this photo was originally made by nitrogen, so Thomas may look different by the time the movie comes around. Although the wheels may be black I quite like this take on Thomas already. He even has rivets! One problem would be that, this being set in WWII, Thomas should technically be painted black. The LMS, LNER, SR and even the GWR painted all their locomotives black during this time, however navy blue could work for Thomas. Hopefully, all the other engines will have prototypically accurate shapes as well (e.g. Edward = Furness K2, Gordon = LNER A3 etc.)

Another feature of the movie is the new characters. It has been teased that a "very 'devious' diesel" will be introduced and that we can "look forward to some returns". First off, the 'devious' diesel. I really hope that this does not just mean 'diesel', as his prototype was not introduced until 1952, a long time after the end of the war. The statement 'devious diesel' instantly brings up the 'revolutionary' class 08 we all know. If anything, I hope he is an LMS prototype or even a maunsell diesel shunter. Secondly, the returning charcters. Hopefully this does not mean Duck. Or Oliver. Or Donald, Douglas Bill or Ben. Why? These characters did not arrive on Sodor until after the war. Not even Percy or Toby were there before the war. If anything, I hope they mean 'the red engine', or possibly even Duke or the Culdee Fell Railway!

Third off, the storyline. This storyline does seem like a sequel to the movie 'Thomas & the magic railroad'. Hopefully this is not the case. So far, all we have is that a pre-teen boy goes to Sodor (which hopefully means he was 'evacuated' there, not 'he got there via the magic railroad') and that there is a bonding experience between him & his father and a steam engine vs. diesel engine confrontation. Only 1/3 of that is Thomas-related. Hopefully by the time the movie is released more Thomas-related content is added. Or else this will turn out to be one of those awful 'family movies' which tries to aim the movie to be for the whole family, but fails miserably in the process. They also said it would be for 'older' people. Assumingly this means teenagers. The market for this is limited. The only people who I think would buy it would be older Thomas fans, or parents who assume that because it's got Thomas it must be totally safe for their children to watch even though it's rated pegi-13. Totally doesn't have Tidmouth station being blown to smithereens by Nazi warplanes. Although if people do tell their friends about how epic the movie is (if it actually is) people might take more notice of it, possibly even adding to the amount of Thomas fans, especially good because there is perfect timing here, as Andrew Brenner, the new head writer, is doing a superb job on it at the minute.

Finally, the merchandise. The film is said to be distributing merchandise for the 'older audience'. Assumingly this does not mean a TOMY Thomas with machine guns sticking out of his side-tanks. This hopefully means a super-detail version of the HORNBY Thomas based on his appearance in the film. This should also mean that Edward should get re-done, probably as a K2 this time, Henry, Gordon and James should also be re-done along with this, as well as any of the new characters. By 'super-detail' I mean still with the faces but with features like sprung buffers, safety valves, high prototypical accuracy and possibly even weathering! If that happened I would definatley buy them.

In conclusion, this movie had better be good for the amount of time we've been waiting and not just in graphics either. In every aspect. From storyline to merchandise. Hopefully, Shane Acker will make this movie a World War II based movie, not a TATMR2 movie as has currently been teased. I also hope that he does his research, and that the diesel was built during the 1930s and that only Sodor's nos 1-5 appear. I also feel that more posters/trailers should be produced. That way we will be kept interested in the current development of the movie.

Friday 14 June 2013

Season 17 - Not Now, Charlie!

-Cranky's personality
-The special truck
-Charlie doing actual work
-The ending

Now on to episode 10! How did this one go? Better than previous Charlie episodes. Speaking of Charlie, anyone think he has a cadbury-like livery? Charlie & the chocolate factory reference, maybe. Jokes aside (no episode pun intended), let's get on to the review, shall we?

Firstly, Charlie is now doing actual work! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, work! Finally! After all those years of just roaming aimlessly as a 'light engine', he finally does some work! Congrats to you, Brenner!

Secondly, the special truck used to transport the elephant. I was actually wondering a few days ago why the standard-gauge railway doesn't use trucks similar to the slate ones on the narrow gauge railway. Well, now that wish has been granted! It also looks like one of the old open livestock ones I saw in a picture of train formations in the early years of steam.

Thirdly, Cranky being in personality. I like his naturally 'cranky' attitude, and also him dropping his load on to the truck at the start. It's good to see his old personality back.

Lastly, I liked the ending of Charlie making a resolution not to tell any more jokes, but not being able to keep to it, unlike the majority of Season 13-16 episodes where they all laugh about nothing at the end, with engine X learning his/her lesson until the next episode.

Overall, this episode was quite good, actually, even for a Charlie episode. His change in what he does is quite good and Cranky's personality restoration was quite good.


Thursday 13 June 2013

Season 17 - The Switch

-The engines boasting
-The Earl getting permission from the Thin Controller
-'The passengers don't like being bounced like peas in a pod'
-Mention of the 'estate' railway

Episode number 9. How good was it? Honestly, I don't have many opinions on this episode, it was nothing special, but it wasn't bad either. There were a few good things however.

First of all, I liked the engines boasting about their respective jobs at the quarry & the estate railway. It seems very classic series like. Even more great work by the new writers!
Secondly, the Earl getting permission from the Thin Controller (Mr Percival) was also very good, instead of just magically 'arranging' them switching jobs (season 9-16).

Thirdly, I liked the line 'being bounced around like peas in a frying pan'. It sounded like a reference to the first season episode, 'Thomas and Bertie', in which the narrator says at the end that Bertie's passengers 'being bounced like peas in a frying pan'. Another great reference this season!

Lastly, the mention of the railway at Ulfstead castle being an 'estate' railway. I like this as it brings even more railway terminology to the new TTTE series.

In conclusion, although the episode was nothing special, it had a few good points, but none bad. As a result, this episode is fairly decent episode, still way better than some previous ones.


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Season 17 - Luke's new Friend

-Narrow gauge engine lamps
-CGI render of Blue Mountain
-Narrow gauge engine's voices
-Ulfstead castle
-Weak plotline
-Brake van changing

Episode no.8. How did it go? It was quite good, better than previous episodes (e.g. 'Percy's new friends) but not enormously great. There were some things I liked, but a few bad things as well. Here they are:

Firstly, the narrow gauge engines now have lamps, matching up quite well (or at least in my opinion) with the standard gauge engines (e.g. Thomas, Duck etc.). It also enables them to have lamps at night, which look quite good. More great work by Arc!

Speaking of Arc, the CGI Blue Mountain quarry and Ulfstead castle are very good. I quite like the lighting in the Blue Mountain quarry, even if it is a bit orange-y. I also like the narrow gauge railway at Ulfstead castle, it looks very vibrant and nice.

I also like the voices of the narrow gauge engines, Skarloey and Rheneas especially, because they sound very Welsh, like the engines themselves. It fits them, being based on real Welsh steam engines (Talyllyn and Dolgoch).

But there were two bad points. For one, the storyline seems a bit weak. It just isn't that good to me. It has no real 'charm' or 'action' in it, and so can become a tad dull. The second being that when Skarloey shunts the trucks on to Luke's train, the brakevan is, at first, a white, standard-gauge one, which then disappears but then reappears again as a brown, narrow-gauge one.

In conclusion, the animation was the main high of the episode, although the storyline was a bit dull. Although having said that, it's still better than previous episodes and is also still enjoyable.


Tuesday 11 June 2013

Season 17 - Henry's Hero

-Duck's Return
-The Music When Henry Pushes Hiro
-The Hoppers
-Gordon & Thomas' Appearances
-How Do Henry And Hiro Get To Ffarquhar?
-Hiro's Basis

So episode 7, now with Duck! How did it go? Quite well actually, a firm favorite, with Henry also being one of my favorite characters, the return of Duck and a lot of other things besides.

My first good point, Duck, the great-western pannier tank engine, has finally returned! Yes, fans, Duck! The most requested to return characters since his last appearance in season 12. He even has his old whistle and a voice very much suited to him! Excellent work by Brenner and his crew!

Secondly, the music when Henry pushes Hiro up Gordon's Hill. It starts out sounding heavy, imitating the load that Henry is pushing. Then later on, gets more triumphant as Henry pushes Hiro up the hill, despite having the bad coal.

Third point, the hoppers. I really like these, as it shows that Sodor is entering the modern age. The models themselves are also really detailed.

My fourth and final positive, is Gordon and Thomas seem really in-character. Gordon being disgusted at the noise and smell that Hiro is making and Thomas being cheeky, remarking that Hiro "sounds like he has his coupling rods in a twist". More great work by the new story writers!

Now on to the bad. Firstly, how did Henry and Hiro get to Ffarquhar? Ffarquhar is on Thomas' branchline, which cannot support the weight of big engines like Hiro and Henry. Personally, I think it could've been improved by either having Henry and Hiro collect the trucks from the junction at Thomas' branchline or possibly having Edward replace Hiro and James replacing Henry.

My other complaint, which, even though this isn't his debut I may as well mention, is Hiro's basis. He is definitely too big for British railways. I think he could've possibly been a 9F, but Sodor already has one and Hiro's backstory would be even weirder than it is now. Or maybe a Robinson Q4?

In conclusion, the story plot itself is good, as is the much anticipated return of Duck. Also, for all of you wondering, the main reason I like Duck's return is because Duck was (and still is) the 8th famous engine.


Monday 10 June 2013

Season 17 - Steamie Stafford

- Explanation of steam/electric
-Stafford's quiet job
- Stafford's steam engine noises

I've run out of new openings! But anyway, how did it fare?  In my honest opinion, it seemed quite weak. Sure, the storyline seemed quite good, but it's main plot driving force (no pun intended) seemed quite bad. But first, the good.

Firstly, the explanation of steam and electric engines at the start. I liked it as it teaches children how the railways work. It's, in a way, like the explanation of track maintenance. More great work by the writing staff!

My second point is that Stafford gets a job well suited to his class. He has to be especially quiet doing this job, which is well suited to a small, electric shunting engine. Even more good points going to the new writing team!

But there was one major plot fall. Stafford's chuffing noises. Stafford's noises hardly sounded like a steam engine at all! Either Thomas and Percy were just trolling him, or they are just weird like that. If Stafford had maybe wired a drainpipe to himself (references to 'special funnel' there) and maybe trying to amplify the 'whirring' sound his motor makes (probably breaking down in the process), he just makes noises which fail on every level.

In conclusion, I think this episode could have had a good, strong plot line, but it's main driving force (again, no pun intended) let it down.


Saturday 8 June 2013

Season 17 - Calm Down, Caitlin!

 -Tender brakes locking on
-Vicarstown bridge and Ulfstead castle
-The flying kipper
-Henry's tunnel being named
-Caitlin and Connor's basis's

Bit late, but anyway, how did this episode do? Quite a good episode, I liked a lot of things about it, but there was one major bug.

First, on the positive side, Caitlin's tender brakes locking on was a very nice feature. A good way to open the episode, with a bit of railway realism.

Second off, the Vicarstown bridge and Ulfstead castle settings. Very good work by arc. I liked the size of Ulfstead castle's station, with sidings assumingly placed there during the building of the station and the restoration of the castle in KOTR. Also liked Vicarstown bridge was also very good too. It looked very nice IMO.

There are also two points relating (in a way) to Henry. One, the flying kipper. It was re-introduced in season 16, however, is now been officially named in an episode! The second one is also Henry's tunnel being named. In recent seasons it hasn't been named, just referred to as 'a tunnel', but has now also been named. I like this as it gives a feeling of location and RWS references.

There was also one major bug, however, which was Connor and Caitlin's basis's. Sodor is a British railway. Connor and Caitlin are American engines! They could have easily been portrayed as the streamlined version of the LMS 'Coronation' class engines. This would have firstly, made their liveries historically accurate, as the real engines were painted in lined blue and red. It would have also have made their 'rivalry' (as seen in the KOTR trailer) with Gordon and Spencer make more sense (Gordon & Spencer being LNER built, whilst Connor & Caitlin would be LMS engines).

Overall, the general plot of the episode was actually quite good, along with the locations and reintroductions in the episode. However, I shall have to mark it down on the basis of Connor and Caitlin being the wrong types for a British railway.


Thursday 6 June 2013

Season 17 - Gordon Runs Dry

-'Maybe you should fetch your own coaches'
-Gordon listing the stations
-Thomas, Percy and James teasing Gordon at the end
-Reason for Thomas being on the mainline

So now we move on to episode 4. How did this episode do? This is one of my personal favorites, actually (after 'wayward Winston'). So far I have noticed no problems with the episode. But a lot of good things about it.

First off, Thomas' cheeky remark that Gordon should 'fetch his own coaches'. It restores Thomas' personality of being a slightly cheeky, but still useful, tank engine, at the same time making yet another first season reference.

Secondly, Gordon listing off the stations. He lists the stations in the order the are on the mainline (Tidmouth, Knapford, Crosby, Wellsworth, Maron, Cronk). Even his next line 'a lake' kind of sounds like with the name of the next station on the line, Killdane. Speaking of stations, I also liked the announcement that was given when Gordon passes Maron. It makes the series that bit more realistic.

Thirdly, Thomas, Percy and James teasing Gordon at the end, instead of just laughing it off. And also Gordon learns his lesson (to be more careful looking after his boiler). This seems a lot like something (again) from the classic series, like the engines teasing Thomas about forgetting the coaches at the end of 'Thomas' train' and James about needing bootlaces at the start of 'James and the express'.

Lastly, I liked the reason they gave for Thomas working on the mainline, pulling the local, instead of Thomas just randomly pulling 'special specials' and messing them up 3 times. Also that he is now pulling Annie & Clarabel again.

Overall, this episode was actually a very good one. It's references back to the classic series are good, along with the engines each having their own jobs to do and just the general storyline overall.


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Season 17 - Wayward Winston

-Mention Of Track Maintanence
-Classic SFX
-Percy's Mention Of Needing A Driver
-Mash Of 'Old Iron' 'The Runaway' And 'Busy Going Backwards'
-Gordon's Speed
-American crossing sounds on a British crossing

Here is episode 3! How did it fare? I actually quite liked it. It seemed to be a mash of 'old iron' (blue engine chasing a red engine) 'the runaway' (Winston rolling off on his own) and 'busy going backwards' (the near misses at the end), all classic runaway episodes.

I also liked the mention of track maintenance. It brings more railway realism to the Island of Sodor. Percy also mentions needing a driver (unlike seasons 9-16), which is also good. If I rewrite the episodes of season 17, I would probably add a 'Thomas comes to breakfast' reference somewhere in there.

Another great thing about this episode is that it uses a classic sound effect when Winston runs out of fuel. This is a welcome addition to the episode, as it shows that the new head writer (Andrew Brenner) is bringing back some of the older things. Others include Gordon, Henry and James (Scruff's makeover) and the engine's personalities are being reverted back.

I have 2 complaints about this episode, however. Firstly, Gordon's speed whilst pulling the express. It also happened in the previous episode. It happens at the end and when Gordon teases Winston. My other complaint is the American crossing sound on a British railway crossing.

Overall, I quite liked this episode. It has both it's good and bad points, but for the most part, it has a well written storyline, which is the main thing to look for in an episode.


Tuesday 4 June 2013

Season 17 - Scruff's Makeover

-Gordon, Henry & James
-Details On Whiff & Scruff
-The General Story
-Gordon's Speed

Now We Move On To Episode 2. I Liked This Episode For The Reasons I Am About To State:

Firstly, The Storyline. The Story I Find Has Quite A Nice Ring To It. There Is (Finally) No Three Strikes Formula. It Seems More Like The Classic Series To Me. So Far, This Is My Favorite Episode, But Will Probably Be Topped By Tomorrow's Episode.

Secondly, Arc Seem To Have Upped The Detail On Scruff And Whiff. They Are Now Coated With Rubbish. I Like This Because It Just Adds More To Their Models. Good Job, Arc!

Lastly, And Probably One Of My Favorite Additions To This Episode, Gordon, Henry And James Are In The Big Shed, Being Big Engines! An Addition Not Seen Since Season 2! Their Lines Suit Them Almost Perfectly, But I Honestly Thought That The Lines "Disgraceful! Disgusting! Despicable!" Would Have Been Even Better But Meh, It Can't Be Perfect.

Overall, I Really Liked This Episode Personally, My Only Nitpick Being That When Scruff Asked Gordon To Swap Jobs With Him, I Thought That Gordon Was Going A Bit Too Slow. Aside From That, I Really Like This Episode. It Feels Like Something Right From The Classic Series.


Monday 3 June 2013

Season 17 - Kevin's Cranky Friend

-Story Doesn't Revolve Around The Engines
-Classic Personalities
-The Line 'Sent Away In Disgrace'
-Three Strikes Plot Line
-Thomas Being Shoe-Horned In

So, First Episode Of A New Season. How Did It Go? For Once, I Actually Quite Liked This Episode. Although The Dreaded 'Three Strikes' Being Used As The Plot Line Is Still There, This Story Is Enjoyable For Three Reasons:

Firstly, The Story Doesn't Revolve Around The Engines. This Is The First In A Few Years. Sure, There Are Engine Characters In It, But The Main Plot Revolves Around Cranky And Kevin. Speaking Of Engine Characters, I Felt That Thomas' Role Later On In The Episode Was A Bit Unnecessary. I Think That His Role Could Have Easily Been Taken By The Brendam Bay Twins, Bill & Ben.

Secondly, The Characters Seem To Have Their Classic Personalities Back. Cranky Is Back To Being Cranky. And Even Henry Seems More Like He Was In The Classic Series. Kevin, However, Has Changed. I Like His New Personality, Though. Instead Of Being Clumsy And Just Generally Playing Around, He Is Now Young And Eager To Work. The Animation On Him I Think Quite Reflected His New Personality.

And Thirdly, The Dialogue. The Lines Now Sound A Lot More Natural, Instead Of Just Having Rhyming And Alliteration Crammed Into Every Single Line. Also, The Line 'Sent Away In Disgrace' Sticks Out To Me. It Sounds Like Something Right From The Classic Series.


Sunday 2 June 2013


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