Saturday 8 June 2013

Season 17 - Calm Down, Caitlin!

 -Tender brakes locking on
-Vicarstown bridge and Ulfstead castle
-The flying kipper
-Henry's tunnel being named
-Caitlin and Connor's basis's

Bit late, but anyway, how did this episode do? Quite a good episode, I liked a lot of things about it, but there was one major bug.

First, on the positive side, Caitlin's tender brakes locking on was a very nice feature. A good way to open the episode, with a bit of railway realism.

Second off, the Vicarstown bridge and Ulfstead castle settings. Very good work by arc. I liked the size of Ulfstead castle's station, with sidings assumingly placed there during the building of the station and the restoration of the castle in KOTR. Also liked Vicarstown bridge was also very good too. It looked very nice IMO.

There are also two points relating (in a way) to Henry. One, the flying kipper. It was re-introduced in season 16, however, is now been officially named in an episode! The second one is also Henry's tunnel being named. In recent seasons it hasn't been named, just referred to as 'a tunnel', but has now also been named. I like this as it gives a feeling of location and RWS references.

There was also one major bug, however, which was Connor and Caitlin's basis's. Sodor is a British railway. Connor and Caitlin are American engines! They could have easily been portrayed as the streamlined version of the LMS 'Coronation' class engines. This would have firstly, made their liveries historically accurate, as the real engines were painted in lined blue and red. It would have also have made their 'rivalry' (as seen in the KOTR trailer) with Gordon and Spencer make more sense (Gordon & Spencer being LNER built, whilst Connor & Caitlin would be LMS engines).

Overall, the general plot of the episode was actually quite good, along with the locations and reintroductions in the episode. However, I shall have to mark it down on the basis of Connor and Caitlin being the wrong types for a British railway.


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