Wednesday 2 October 2013

Season 17 - The Phantom Express

-Mention of driver/fireman
-James tricking Percy
-Stephen's quotes
-James' punishment
-Incorrect terminology

So, 13th episode in, first CGI series ghost episode and 3rd episode in a row of which's title begins with 'the'. This one was quite a good episode, couldn't think of much to say earlier but now I have watched it again, so have more of an idea of what to put! So, let's begin!

First point is the mention of Stephen's 'driver and fireman', characters who have been neglected for so long, acting only as the engine's hands. Yayz for the return of the driver/fireman!

Second up is James' tricking Percy. This reminds me of season 6, specifically the episode 'Jack frost'.

Third is Stephen's quotes once he and Percy fall into the moat. They are quite funny. Stephen's quotes are usually the best.

I also liked the ending. This also reminded me of season 6, especially 'Jack frost' and 'James & the queen of Sodor'.

One con is James' punishment. Surely making him take Percy's mail train would hurt Percy more than James. They should've had him do something different, like being relegated to goods trains for the rest of the month.

Another con would be the title. It is incorrect as for what James is talking about, which is an engine. Maybe if he talked about a passenger train which derailed or the title was 'the phantom engine' this would be correct. Maybe have the 'phantom engine' as an explanation as to why the red engine is absent from the series?

Overall, this is a good, season 6-esque episode and I like it quite a lot.

Rating: 4/5

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