Monday 30 September 2013

Season 17 - The Lost Puff

-Characters in personality
-Stafford at the shunting yard
-Stephen's face & the duck
-Mention of 'Knapford bend'

So, back for more, are we? After a few months 'on hiatus', season 17 has returned! This is the 1st episode back, and yes, it was a good one! Where shall we start?

My first point is that the characters were all in the correct personality. One such example was TFC giving out a proper warning. I liked how Paxton's personality was built upon, giving him the addition of being easily distracted (e.g. the duck and the bumpy track), but realizing his mistakes when he makes them.

The second would be Stafford working at the shunting yards, which I may as well point out I see as the newer version of 'Knapford yards'. The NSR battery-electric engine was originally used for shunting, so it is nice to see Stafford doing a job suited to his type.

Third point is the use of terminology. Words such as 'cooling fans', 'buckled track' and Gordon 'building up a good head of steam' are all good use of railway terminology, and with Thomas & Friends being a railway-orientated show, these words are very well suited to the situation.

 My fourth point is that there were some quite humorous moments within the episode, two of the main ones being Stephen's face when Paxton tries to explain about Thomas 'losing his puff' and the duck at the start and end of the episode (not the engine, that comes tomorrow).

My final point is the mention of 'Knapford bend'. I like this because it gives more structure to the railway, with the bend being 'just beyond the water tower', which is (assumingly) near Knapford station itself.

In conclusion, this is a good epiosde, with little of note to complain about (besides of some animation errors).

Rating: 5/5

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