Thursday 6 June 2013

Season 17 - Gordon Runs Dry

-'Maybe you should fetch your own coaches'
-Gordon listing the stations
-Thomas, Percy and James teasing Gordon at the end
-Reason for Thomas being on the mainline

So now we move on to episode 4. How did this episode do? This is one of my personal favorites, actually (after 'wayward Winston'). So far I have noticed no problems with the episode. But a lot of good things about it.

First off, Thomas' cheeky remark that Gordon should 'fetch his own coaches'. It restores Thomas' personality of being a slightly cheeky, but still useful, tank engine, at the same time making yet another first season reference.

Secondly, Gordon listing off the stations. He lists the stations in the order the are on the mainline (Tidmouth, Knapford, Crosby, Wellsworth, Maron, Cronk). Even his next line 'a lake' kind of sounds like with the name of the next station on the line, Killdane. Speaking of stations, I also liked the announcement that was given when Gordon passes Maron. It makes the series that bit more realistic.

Thirdly, Thomas, Percy and James teasing Gordon at the end, instead of just laughing it off. And also Gordon learns his lesson (to be more careful looking after his boiler). This seems a lot like something (again) from the classic series, like the engines teasing Thomas about forgetting the coaches at the end of 'Thomas' train' and James about needing bootlaces at the start of 'James and the express'.

Lastly, I liked the reason they gave for Thomas working on the mainline, pulling the local, instead of Thomas just randomly pulling 'special specials' and messing them up 3 times. Also that he is now pulling Annie & Clarabel again.

Overall, this episode was actually a very good one. It's references back to the classic series are good, along with the engines each having their own jobs to do and just the general storyline overall.


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